During the recent European Delivery Partners Conference held in London on 16th November, BRClobal Standards announced the results and findings of the first global customer satisfaction survey that went to over 26,000 certificated organisations around the world.

The response was very encouraging with over 1200 organisations providing feedback and commenting on how our quality and safety management schemes have impacted their business.


Most of the respondents were from food safety sites (64%) as seen above. Geographically, sites were in mainland Europe (35%), North America (18%), UK (18%), APAC (11%) Middle East Africa (5%) and South America (4%) and on average sites had been certificated with BRC Global Standards for 6 to 10 years. There were 100 new sites and over 50 sites had been using our standards for over 15 years.

Some of the key findings: -

  • 79% agreed or strongly agreed that BRC Global Standards’ supported its customers
  • 82% agreed or strongly agreed that BRC Global Standards’ provided great value
  • 88% agreed or strongly agreed that BRC Global Standards’ schemes are rigorous
  • 90% agreed or strongly agreed that BRC Global Standards’ has a strong compliance programme
  • 67% scored over 8/10 on how important BRC Global Standard certification is for continually improving a sites technical capability
  • 83% scored over 8/10 on how important BRC Global Standard certification is to meet customer requirements
  • 64% scored over 8/10 on how important BRC Global Standard certification is in given the company other commercial opportunities
  • 33% scored over 8/10 on how important BRC Global Standard certification is for reducing costs through operational efficiencies

Perhaps surprisingly the question of how many audits does a site have in a year showed that 84% of the sites that responded had less than 10, with just 3% having over 20. Further investigation showed that only a third of sites were certificated to an ethical Standard and half were certificated to an assurance scheme, the most popular being organic. 

A good measure of customer loyalty and satisfaction is the Net Promoter Score. This proven metric now provides the core measurement for customer experience and improvement. BRC Global Standards scored on a scale of 1-7, an average of 5.7, with 89% of respondents scoring over 5. On a scale of 1-10 the score went up to 8.

We received nearly 350 comments which were very positive in the main. Many customers were very pleased with our professional approach and the Standard is well regarded as one of the best in the industry. We work with global certification bodies who offer a high-quality service and this survey reflects the combined service of both BRC Global Standards and our network of delivery partners. The survey provides us the opportunity to continue improve our services.

BRC Global Standards would like to thank everyone who contributed to the survey.